Dr. Mitradip Bhattacharjee’s [Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences] research group has developed and characterized a flexible and printed graphene field-effect biosensing (Gr-FET biosensor) platform to detect ferritin. The Gr-FET based biosensor demonstrates a stable transfer characteristic with Ag/AgCl gate. A significantly low gate leakage current of 0.06 % of the drain current is observed for this Gr-FET. Further, the proposed Gr-FET shows 1.5 - 3 times higher transconductance (gm) with a value of gm,hole up to 400 µS and gm,electron up to 250 µS, compared to the reported printed electrolyte-gated Gr-FET. The Gr-FET operation is also optimized to have a minimal hysteresis effect for reliable sensing operation. The Gr-FET shows considerably linear characteristics at a low ferritin concentration (0.05-0.5 µg/lt) with sensitivity as high as ~230 mV/(µg/lt) and a very low limit of detection (LOD) ~27 ng/lt. Given the cost-effective fabrication process and scalability, the proposed printed Gr-FET biosensor can be deployed on a large-scale for early diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia. More details at https://advanced.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/admt.202401292